Games: 1.Kasparov Chess Deluxe128x128,
176x220, 240x320
2.Ridge Racer Drift 128x160,
(176x208, 240x320)
3.Splinter Cell: Conviction 176x220,
240x320, 360x640
4.Worms 2010 128x160, 176x208,
176x220, 208x208, 240x320
5.Tattoo Tycoon 128x160,
176x220, 240x320
6.The Sims 3: World Adventures 128x160,
176x208, 240x320
7.Crazy Penguin Party 176x208,
240x320, 320x240
8.Big Range Hunting 2 128x128,
128x160, 176x220, 240x320, 320x240, 360x640
10.Contra III: Return to Galluga 240x320
The Mobile Game 128x128, 128x160, 176x208, 176x220, 240x320,
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